CTOs on the Move



SheerWind is an energy technology company that has developed INVELOX, an innovative wind power generation system that significantly outperforms traditional wind turbines. This unique, patented funnel technology captures, concentrates, and accelerates wind energy, delivering superior power output at reduced costs. It also solves the major problems that have so far undermined the wind industry, such as low turbine reliability, intermittency issues, and adverse environmental impact. See benefits.   With breakthrough performance and reduced costs, SheerWind is changing the course of power generation. INVELOX promises to transform the power industry, bringing affordable energy to anyone—anywhere. SheerWind was founded in 2010 by Dr. Daryoush Allaei, ...
  • Number of Employees: 0-25
  • Annual Revenue: $0-1 Million
  • www.sheerwind.com
  • 143 Jonathan Blvd North Suite 200
    Chaska, MN USA 55318
  • Phone: 952.556.0173


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