CTOs on the Move

Reflexion Health


Reflexion Health is a digital healthcare company dedicated to transforming traditional medicine and improving clinical outcomes by using innovative technology solutions to deliver patient-centered care at reduced costs. VERA™, Reflexion Health’s signature solution, is an FDA-cleared Virtual Exercise Rehabilitation Assistant that detects motion and remotely monitors the effectiveness of prescribed physical therapy in real-time. VERA brings the guidance of a physical therapist into the home to coach and motivate patients through recovery from joint replacement surgery or as a preventative therapy to reduce falls.
  • Number of Employees: 25-100
  • Annual Revenue: $1-10 Million


Can't execute query

select mm.personal_id,pm.first_name,pm.last_name,mm.title from cto_movement_master as mm, cto_personal_master as pm where mm.personal_id=pm.personal_id and mm.company_id='549778' order by mm.personal_id desc limit 0,5

MySQL Error: MySQL server has gone away

This script cannot continue, terminating.