CTOs on the Move

Live Auctioneers


LiveAuctioneers brings an international audience of millions to the heart of the bidding action in art, antiques, jewelry and collectibles auctions across the globe. With fascinating objects up for auction in 46 countries—instantly translated to your language and currency—LiveAuctioneers is a worldwide marketplace with treasures waiting to be discovered, whether you’re an avid collector or a first-time visitor. By hosting thousands of auctions in real time via the Internet, the site allows unprecedented access to remote sales, and savvy bidders can often land desired items at very desirable prices. Leave an absentee bid, or fully engage in the auction action—it’s up to ...
  • Number of Employees: 0-25
  • Annual Revenue: $1-10 Million


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Our mission is to help companies and individuals find one-of-a-kind short-term space to inspire their best work. Studies show that access to inspiring spaces and changing your work surroundings regularly are key drivers of innovation for all types of professionals.* Whether for an off-site or meeting, corporate or social event, or production of any kind, PeerSpace is the first platform to easily find these unique and inspiring places. To build a thriving marketplace, PeerSpace partners with businesses and other space owners to help them make more efficient use of their space, allowing them to safely and easily share it with other professionals in need. As a result, we enable local businesses to sustain healthy operations and expand their presence within the community. PeerSpace is a versatile marketplace featuring a variety of locations that were previously underutilized or unavailable to the public. Guests now have the ability to search, message, and book these spaces directly through the PeerSpace platform. Since launching in March, 2014, over 4,800 hours of successful reservations of “dark space” have been initiated through PeerSpace. Our team is gratified to have worked with hundreds of Hosts and Guests on these creative and inspiring bookings.  

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