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Weber Metals is a Libertyville, IL-based company in the Software and Internet sector.
Spanning helps companies manage and protect their business-critical data in the cloud. Our flagship product, Spanning Backup for Google Apps, provides business-class, cloud-to-cloud backup of Google Apps data. It's used by thousands of organizations worldwide to protect their email, documents, calendars, contacts, and sites, and is the most highly rated Security & Compliance app on the Google Apps Marketplace.
Kinnek was started in 2012 in New York City, when co-founders Rui Ma and Karthik Sridharan noticed that small business owners were stuck in a rut when it came to how they bought things for their businesses. They couldnt just walk into a typical store or shop on the usual consumer-focused websites, because their requirements were more customized. They needed customized equipment, customized machinery, supplies in customized quantities- and they didnt have the massive resources necessary to have a dedicated team of purchasing managers to handle all that complexity.
Meet Afilias, the world’s leading provider of Internet infrastructure services that connect people to their data. Afilias’ reliable, secure, scalable, and globally available technology supports a wide range of applications including Internet domain registry services, Managed DNS and mobile Web services like goMobi™ and DeviceAtlas™. The technology that Afilias and its subsidiary companies, like dotMobi and RegistryPro, employ is designed to ensure that your services work 100% of the time. Afilias powers key pieces of the Internet`s infrastructure, including the resolution of all .INFO, .ORG, .PRO and .MOBI domains. Afilias` registry and DNS technology is operated on a globally distributed, multi-layered, diverse infrastructure that delivers state-of-the-art security to ensure uptime and to protect against malicious attacks. Afilias also supports leading-edge standards such as IPv6, DNSSEC and Internationalized Domain Names. Afilias supports an array of top-level domain (TLD) registry and corporate DNS customers as well as millions of TLD and mobile Web users. Afilias` customers place high value on staying current with rapidly evolving technology, which is why our systems are built on vanguard, yet proven, technologies. Afilias ensures that our customers are always ready for the innovations that will dictate the future of the Internet.
emFAST Inc. is a Bridgewater, NJ-based company in the Software and Internet sector.