CTOs on the Move

Greeneville City Schools


The Greeneville City School System has a vision ""to provide a world-class education for all students."" The system is committed to educating all students to be successful in a global society by providing excellence in educators, programs, and environment. The school system`s administrative offices are located in the Kathryn W. Leonard Office on Depot Street. The building was donated to the school system by the family of Mrs. Leonard in her memory and honor. The Greeneville City School System consists of four elementary schools, one middle school and one high school serving approximately 2750 students. The system also serves ...
  • Number of Employees: 25-100
  • Annual Revenue: $10-50 Million


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select mm.personal_id,pm.first_name,pm.last_name,mm.title from cto_movement_master as mm, cto_personal_master as pm where mm.personal_id=pm.personal_id and mm.company_id='466166' order by mm.personal_id desc limit 0,5

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