CTOs on the Move



FEARnet was an American digital cable television network, website and video on demand service owned by Comcast. The network specialized in thriller, suspense, and horror entertainment.   FEARnet launched on October 31, 2006 as a video on demand service, FEARnet On Demand. It was originally operated as a joint venture between Comcast, Lions Gate Entertainment and Sony Pictures Entertainment. The on-demand service featured full-length horror, thriller, and suspense films as well as shorts, trailers, interviews and behind-the-scenes featurettes. It was available to subscribers of Comcast, Cox Communications, Verizon FiOS, AT&T U-verse, Insight Communications, Bresnan Communications, Guadalupe Valley Systems, Buckeye CableSystem, Time Warner ...
  • Number of Employees: 0-25
  • Annual Revenue: $0-1 Million
  • www.fearnet.com
  • 22030 238th Pl SE
    Maple Valley, WA USA 98038
  • Phone: 310.255.3978


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