CTOs on the Move

Dorado Systems


Dorado Systems, a commanding force in the industry of Healthcare EDI, offers cutting edge technology to accelerate the connection between providers and a multitude of insurance carriers, vendors and clearinghouses, utilizing both real time and batch processing. Dorado Systems has created a secure, economical and efficient web-based system to simplify the connection between our clients and hundreds of payers instantaneously. Our dynamic suite of data exchange solutions saves our clients resources to be used best where they are needed in patient care.
  • Number of Employees: 25-100
  • Annual Revenue: $10-50 Million


Name Title Contact Details
Scott Wasserman
Chief Technology Officer Profile

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select * from cto_company_job_info where company_id='544352' order by post_date desc limit 0,5

MySQL Error: MySQL server has gone away

This script cannot continue, terminating.