CTOs on the Move

Chase Corporation


Founded in 1946 we have grown to become a leading manufacturer of industrial coatings and tapes for high reliability applications with a global customer base operating in diverse market sectors. Today we employ nearly 300 people and continue to grow and strengthen our business through employing a related diversification strategy that combines organic growth initiatives with strategic acquisitions. Based in Bridgewater, Massachusetts, USA we operate manufacturing facilities in the United States and Europe and continue to invest in our capabilities in order to deliver the value our global customer base demands.
  • Number of Employees: 250-1000
  • Annual Revenue: $100-250 Million


Can't execute query

select mm.personal_id,pm.first_name,pm.last_name,mm.title from cto_movement_master as mm, cto_personal_master as pm where mm.personal_id=pm.personal_id and mm.company_id='23639' order by mm.personal_id desc limit 0,5

MySQL Error: MySQL server has gone away

This script cannot continue, terminating.