CTOs on the Move

Bando USA Inc


"We Build Belts a Better Way! At Bando USA, we believe that any product, even the 75-year old ""workhorse"" of power transmission, the V-belt, can be built a better way utilizing the industry's most advanced, efficient equipment and processes. We've"
  • Number of Employees: 1K-10K
  • Annual Revenue: $500M-1 Billion
  • www.bandousa.com
  • 1149 W Bryn Mawr Ave
    Itasca, IL USA 60143
  • Phone: 630.773.6600


Name Title Contact Details

Can't execute query

select * from cto_company_job_info where company_id='471141' order by post_date desc limit 0,5

MySQL Error: MySQL server has gone away

This script cannot continue, terminating.